Vietnam Export Shipment Data: An introduction to Vietnam’s export industry

Situated in a strategic place for overseas firms with operations through South East Asia, Vietnam is an export hub to reach other ASEAN marketplaces. Compared with many other emerging marketplaces, this country is developing as the leader in sourcing and low-cost manufacturing. With 95 million populations and South East Asia’s fastest-growing middle class, Vietnam clearly signifies a crucial marketplace for global products.

Here are listed a few export markets of Vietnam with export value

China    ($50.37 billion)
United States of America   ($48.43 billion)
Japan  ($18.53 billion)
Korea  ($16.18 billion)
Germany  ($10.92 billion)

In terms of export business, Vietnam is the wealthiest Southeast Asian nation. Some of the major exports are machinery, textiles, phones, computers, and footwear. If you want to understand the entire export business of Vietnam, then you need a Vietnam Export Data report. In the past few years, the use of this type of report has been increasing and people also attain positive results for their business.

Vietnam Export Data

First of all, get an overview of Vietnam customs export data

Vietnam customs export data is packed with shipment records which leave from Vietnam’s any port through road, sea or air. This report has complied with shipping bills, invoices, bill of lading, and export bills. It has gone through several quality parameters in order to provide details, accurate, and updated records.

It covers several export statistics or figures including product’s description, HS code, port of loading, import country, export country, net weight, mode of transport etc.

Vietnam exporter data has many benefits, have a look below:

Offers a detailed view of the nation’s marketplace and its components
Covers information regarding global importer and Vietnam exporter data
Get information about potential and trusted suppliers in Vietnam
Helps to analyze the exporting movements of Vietnam
For deep research of Vietnam’s export market, it is the right option

Vietnam Customs Export Data report has an easy to use and user-friendly layout that will be easily accessed from anywhere in the world.

The market is flooded with several market research companies which are committed to providing import and export data services of different countries across the world. This way is not just convenient but also provides 100% accurate trade stats of Vietnam. You can get Vietnam Export Data by HS Code or description or both; it all depends on your needs. Collect this Global Trade Data and give your business wings to get higher success and greater revenues.


  1. EXIMDATA.IN is a leading companies specializing in providing the latest export-import data services and related analytics. As a data processing company, Eximdata analyses and processes the raw data as per specific client’s need and provides the data analytics that will help them take accurate decisions crucial for their business growth.


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